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Adventure in the wild is an option

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Adventure in the wild is an option, such as another hobby. adventure choice in the wild, then get involved in it is a highly personal subjectivity. Of course we can not force people to like or dislike adventure activities. Easy as that's the problem?

By many people, the correlation between the real benefits with the risks of this activity is often considered to be directly proportional. One's choice to go venturing into the wild such as cliffs, mountains, underground caves, rivers, sometimes even gets opposition "death sentence" of people - those around him.
"A lot of climbers who became the author of a misunderstanding due to the ascent of the mountain people."
Sentence Jonathan Waterman, a writer, photographer and mountaineer from the U.S. on top, may be evidence of just how swift current public misunderstanding of adventure activities. Keaslahpahaman that the perpetrators of this activity is sometimes as hard to deal with obstacles - obstacles in the wild.
Of several lengthy discussions that occurred in this case, we can draw the conclusion, that really is not a factor the potential dangers of the most "disturbing" for the common people, but rather the absence of "direct benefits" that can be obtained from each of these activities. Adventure is not considered an industry Like the sport of football in fact can generate a lot of money. Instead, the perpetrators would have to spend a fortune to make its activities.
In addition, the factor "long-term investment" is also another reason for the emergence of a counter version of the opinion. Unlike a computer or English courses that have a good channel to the mouth of the profession in the office, the adventure is considered as a "course" a waste - waste of money and precious time alone. Thus, such investments do not qualify for the criteria in the feasibility study business. After crawling and climbing going? After wading through rapids in the river, then would be what?
Two reasons were quite effective in killing the person who got interested interest or even have entered the world of adventure. And if both are reunited by a factor of potential dangers, of all that are able to make the parents do not want to issue a permit - much less money - for children - their kids to go into the wild. Massive resistance from ordinary people became like an electrical switch, the lights automatically turn on when pressed. But it true that the assumption - the assumption that?
In the country - other countries, lots of outdoor activities proved to be effectively adopted in the institutions - the institutions of formal education. Belief that there are certain things that can not be answered simply by diktat - a thick textbook in the library, has given birth to the idea of ​​pattern-based educational experience (learning by doing / learning by experience) as a complement that can bridge the gap between theory and reality. Clear example for this can be seen on what is popular end - this end as Out Bound (Outward Bound) Training.
At least, that formal education is not one - the only answer to the needs of someone in the "preparation for life", has been echoed by some educators. The realization that school formal limited ability to shape the personality has become a serious study of some experts - educational experts.
No wonder if in the country - developed outdoor activities become one of the options for it since a few decades ago. Name - a name such as John Dewey, Kurt Hahn, Lord Baden Powell, Colin Mortlock Willi Unsoeld or be a precursor to a different generation. Some of the literature they left a lot to become the reference for the development of educational models such as this pattern. One can be seen in "The Adventure Alternative".

The book was published in 1984 by Colin Mortlock in an attempt to bridge the gap between the literature of mountaineering / adventure with the pure literature of outdoor education (outdoor education). Mortlock himself was a mountain climber and kayaker.
Although not as famous as Chris Bonnington, Doug Scott or Peter Boardman, but Mortlock could transfer the spirit and deep faith in the ability of humans to learn and manage the challenges to the extreme limit, even to the novice student. In this case, Mortlock may represent a philosophical adventure education in the UK which can be equated with Willi Unsoeld - the first to climb the route via hard (West Ridge) in the Everest and Mr. Experience-Based Education in the U.S..
Mortlock said a philosophy of adventure education that thrives in the human energy and the possibility of release or realized only when engaged with a true adventure. Mortlock suggested to expose people to the experience of a real risk in the limit the ability of that person, whatever the form of outdoor adventure, both in altitude, land, water, or underground.
In the opening pages of "The Adventure Alternative", Mortlock tells the story of a couple of groups of teenagers had ditrainingnya and can quickly prepare them to be able to perform independently and experience a high level of adventure expeditions.
Mortlock themes here follow the example of the tradition of Kurt Hahn (German educator) which states that humans actually have more ability than is generally realized. However, due to the value - the value of post - industrial and lifestyle in modern Western societies, there is a shadow of the physical risks and hazards, resulting in fewer opportunities for people to discover their innate abilities.
Mortlock added an important qualification on the contrary a promising picture of the value - the value of adventure. Coverage of the core philosophy of the observations for many - years is that the so-called adventure for one person is a waste of work - waste of time for others or harmful to others - what is the meat for one person is poison for others.
Colin Mortlock
So, Mortlock stressed that the subjective nature of the adventure experience is paramount and this subjective experience comes from a combination of objective physical tasks (including environmental conditions) and the ability of people and resources at the time.
In this sense, philosophy Mortlock closely related to the theory of "experience" John Dewey, who saw the experience as something that came along - the same of all the accumulated experience of the past and how the interaction with the surrounding circumstances, for example, activities, teacher, environmental, and other groups - other.
Center "Philosophy of Adventure" Mortlock presents the existence of four basic "level of adventure", which is composed of:
Stage 1: Play: Marked with little emotion through a relatively easy participation in activities that are under one's skill level
Stage 2: Adventure: Marked with pleasure and excitement, in which a person uses his ability with a more complete, but maintains control over the situation and his
Stage 3: Adventure Frontier: Characterized by a peak experience that comes from people who experienced the challenges of adventure that is very close to the boundary itself. If the person is successful, then generally it will have a peak experience. But on the other hand there is a very real risk that could lead to failure or fatal condition that leads to Stage 4.
Stage 4: Misadventure: Marked by a person chooses or is forced to participate in a challenge beyond their means, so it can be pushed into negative emotions (fear, hurt, etc.), possible injury and even eventual death.
Colin Mortlock was a successful innovator in education. After becoming a teacher at the Royal Wolverhampton School and Manchester Grammar School, in 1965, he was a career in the "Warden of The Woodlands Outdoor Centre" in South Wales. Central school children - children of the city of Oxford, immediately recognized as one of the leading adventure education centers in the UK.
In 1971, he was appointed as a director on "The Centre for Outdoor Education", Charlotte Mason College, Ambleside, The Lake District. Over the next twenty years, it became famous educational center for both degree programs, as well as for the one-year course "International Adventure" for teachers - experienced teachers.
Colin Mortlock could so vividly describe many real benefits of adventure activities - a thing which had not occurred to the general public. Another book, "Beyond Adventure" (2001) also extraordinary acclaim.
While "The Spirit of Adventure" (2009) has completed a trilogy that brings the message to be beresonasi with students, teachers, observers and activists adventure or business leaders who care and want to make a difference to this world in which we stand. He really - really has an international reputation as a speaker and writer for the important things of value - the value, potential and contribution to the world of adventure activities are materialistic.

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